Monday, February 13, 2006

Spelling Bee update

Well the parents succesfully scared the school district into submission. The school will now be sending the three finalists to the state spelling bee. story

"In this case, we found it really unfortunate that the parents of this child did not follow the rules. I don't believe they had a leg to stand on, but we're trying to do what's right. We did not want this to affect the other students in the spelling bee."School official

"I spent a really long time studying for all of this," Sara said Wednesday. "If I would have gone down by misspelling the word, I would have been fine with it. Someone would have been a better speller than me. But I didn't get that word wrong and it is really not fair that I got sent down because I would have really like the chance to go to state."

I hate to sound unsypmathetic but this girl is going to have to learn that life is not fair. I think her parents missed an excellent opportunity to parent and instill some character in her. It seems to me that they missed the boat and actually could have set a bad example for her. It has been my experience that life will always try to knock you down. There will not always be mommy and daddy around to hire a lawyer and threaten law suits.

Perhaps, I am overreacting after all she did spell the word right and I do not even have children, then again maybe I am not.

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