Thursday, June 30, 2005

1970's Hostage Crisis Awakens

Although I was alive I was much to young to remember the Iran hostage crisis in the 70's. Well all of us that missed it might be watching the second birth with new reports that the newly elcected president of Iran is a former captor.

Four former hostages have come out and said this is him while one former hostage says no. Retired army colonel Chuck Scott told AP news agency, "There's no question about it. You could make him a blond and shave his whiskers, put him in a zoot suit and I'd still spot him."

This is far from confrimed, but if FoxNews can stop covering the missing in Aruba story maybe we could actually find something out.

Aid to Africa

President Bush announced today that the US would double its aid to Africa by 2010. I think Bush was exactly right when he said that aid alone is not going to do anything. Hopefully countries pooring aid into Africa can find a way to make the leaders accountable for their spending. Aid is not the answer it only amounts to welfare payments, which these states become dependent on. For Africa to thrive they need significant foreign investment, which will not come until there is some stability.

Unfortunately most americans react one of two ways to foreign investment. 1. I don't want to lose MY job to a foreigner. 2. Foreign investment is just a corporate rip off. I wonder if people begrudge foreign companies for investing in America? Africa, the Middle East, parts of South & Central America & Asia will not prosper or be able to get themselves off of international welfare until they attract foreign investment. They will not do that until there is stability and protections for corporations willing to invest there money in these regions.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yet one more for China

As I said in a previous blog, states that are more connected with the outside world tend to have more rights for women, minorities, etc...This is because women and minorities are needed in the workforce and people that contribute to the economy are protected because their contributions are needed. Economies cannot fully develop without participation from all groups in society.

China is moving to outlaw sexual harrasment for the first time. Currently China has no such laws on the books even though polls suggest it is a wide spread problem. This reinforces my argument for CAFTA, it is superior to have states connected with the outside world.

I repeat it wont be long until China is free. I am fearful of the Taiwan situation, but I think it is the Taiwaneses country to lose. Both Taiwan and the US should ease pressure on China and let it come down from within.

Even though I believe Taiwan should be independent, now is not the time for them to push the issue. It would be a big mistake for them to give the Chinese government a foreign enemy to focus the countries attention on instead of the oppressive government they currently have. If Taiwan can just sit back and wait for the people to bring it down then their job will be significantly easier. The same goes with the US government we should kill them with kindness and watch the fun!

China Connected

Like I just said I believe it is only a matter of time before the last bastion of communism (if it can still be callled that) will fall and here is more proof.

This goes back to my CAFTA arguement. The more connected a society the more chance that they will be peaceful and respectful of individual rights (although my arguement was greatly influenced by Thomas Barnett). China will have to face the music soon. The only way the government could go back is to stop all of this recent economic advancement and that will not happen. It wont be long now!

The time is coming for China

As I have recently said it wont be long until China is outsourcing their labor to somewhere cheaper. There was another riot in China, the riot was caused by a traffic dispute but it is said that incidents like this are on the rise in China because of the growing gap between rich and poor. It wont be long until the Chinese are rioting for better pay and more self expression. These riots remind me of the riots in the US in the late 19th and early 20th century.

I no longer believe China to be the big threat they are made out to be. The all mighty dollar will bring them around. Can you say the grip is loosening.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

More on CAFTA

Another argument against CAFTA, "The promise(NAFTA): higher exports of consumer durables would lead to an increase in manufacturing jobs in the US. The reality: the US has suffered approximately 800,000 NAFTA-related job losses in the manufacturing sector."

The American manufacturing industry will never be as it once was the sooner people accept that fact the better off we will all be. This has nothing to do with CAFTA OR NAFTA, it does have to do with global free trade. One reason NAFTA has not produced more jobs or higher wages in Mexico is because China is still king of cheap effecient labor.

After decades fighting the spread of communism with both money and lives, it seems many Americans cannot bring themselves to support the idea that developing countries deserve jobs not just international welfare. Capitalism is not perfect and for countries experimenting with free-markets there will be kinks but they can be worked out. US history is proof of that.


While many Americans are beginning to sour on Iraq, hopefully Bush can get his lazy ass in front of the cameras and help sell the war more often. He should be holding these primetime speeches every two months until this war is over. The only way we lose this war is to lose it at home.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Comment of the day

"You make a lot of assumptions about CAFTA - namely, that it actually is a free trade agreement, and that it will be a boon to the average Central American. I think both assumptions are questionable at best."

I guess you missed my main assumption that CAFTA will make Central America more connected with the rest of the world and that is always a good thing. Regions more connected with the rest of the world tend to have more rights for women, minorites and basic civil liberties. Regions disconnected tend to have no such protections for example, Africa, Middle East, (parts of)Asia.

I hate to agree with a democrat but ...

Barrack Obama, the Illnois Senator wrote: "I cannot swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the Great Emancipator," Obama said. "As a law professor and civil rights lawyer and as an African-American, I am fully aware of his limited views on race. Anyone who actually reads the Emancipation Proclamation knows it was more a military document than a clarion call for justice."

I completely agree anyone who reads the document knows that nowhere in the document does it mention freeing all the slaves, just the ones from the states in rebellion.

For honest Abe to be portrayed as the great emancipator is crap. To imply that he is the main reason for the end of slavery is to spit in the face of the thousands of white and black people who dedicated their lives to fighting Slavery.


An anonymous blogger wrote, "Among other corporate give-aways granted under CAFTA are "investor" protections which allow corporations to sue local governments over estimates of *future* lost profits." To bolster that claim the anonymous blogger wrote, "For example, waiting eagerly for the passage of CAFTA is Harken Energy, which has a lawsuit pending against the government of Costa Rica. Harken's proposal to drill for oil Costa Rica's rich marine eco-systems spectacularly flunked environmental review by the democratically elected government of Costa Rica. So Harken has a lawsuit against Costa Rica for $57 billion - that's right, *billion* - dollars. This is to cover the $12 million Harken already invested in the venture, as well as what it estimates are its lost future profits."

Although the person makes some good points, I would respectfully disagree. Underdeveloped countries such Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honderus, etc... stand the best chance of becoming economically developed if they allow foreign investment. Significan foreign investment will never happen as long as these countries do not play by the same rules as the rest of the world. For example, many companies were hesistant to invest in Russia when it first became free. The reason is because there were not sufficient rules or laws in place to protect investors.

Here is another part of the comment against CAFTA, "CAFTA is actually highly protectionist - that is, it protects the rights of the transnational corporations who basically wrote it, to the detriment of local democracy. For example, CAFTA seeks to protect the pharmaceutical industry from competition by legal generic brands."

This goes back to what I said about common set of rules. Of course these countries are not going to be able to rip-off the formula for new drugs and create generic drugs much cheaper. They will have to wait just like anyone else. There needs to be protections on intellectual properties and patents.

Sure all of the international laws might not be good or they might be exploited but if the alternative is the world pretending these undeveloped countries do not exist this is a much worse scenario. The comment also complains about a pending lawsuit against California by Canada. Canada feels free to invest here because they know they have some recourse if something bad happens. Just because someone sues does not gaurauntee that they will win the law suit.

The more people play that by the same rules, the more people that play! Transnational corporations will be the people investing money into underdeveloped countries to make them developed, they should have protections.

Friday, June 24, 2005


When Pat Buchanan and Michael Savage agree with the left-wing of the democrat party you know something is up. Savage has been railing against CAFTA for quite sometime and he has lots of liberal company. Here is Nancy Pelosi's take:

"...most Democrats are opposed to CAFTA on the grounds that its labor provisions are not strong enough. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said on Thursday that 90 percent of party members in the House could vote against the pact." From the Washington Post.

Savage always say when the dems & repubs agree the people are getting screwed, well the same could be said about this. There is no reason to shut out Central America from the rest of the world. Free-trade agreements allow countries to begin implenting international rule sets for trade and start intergrating their economies. This can only be a good thing. Outsourcing is a fact of capitalism, it is not a bad thing.

It must suck to lose a nice paying job to someone in another country but other people need jobs too. Many complain about giving so much in foreign aid every year, well foreign direct investment is private money and is superior to the US giving welfare to the poor nations. Historically companies have tended to invest in North America, Europe and South Asia. The poor regions, Central America, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia have had a much lower investment levels. Now thanks to these free trade agreements Central America can begin to enjoy more investment and hopefully a better future. We should hope that these poor countries can lift themselves out of the global gutter and begin to fully support themselves.To end the welfare payments we need to help bring these other nations into the WTO and begin allowing them to compete in the world market.

The problems these poor nations face is the same as the problems poor people face, that is coming up with money to use in order to create proper infrastructure and proper security to support economic growth. At the end of the 90's foreing direct investments had outpaced official developmental aid by $4-$1. This means the most efficient ways to get poor regions such as Central America is through foreing direct investments.

I am not so naive to believe that CAFTA alone is going to solve the problems of Central America, just as NAFTA did not turn Mexico into a thriving economic power. That being said this the first positive step in the right direction. Undeveloped nations need to become more connected with the rest of the world not less. The WTO is a great place to start the connection.

Once the US was the cheap labor capital of the world, soon China will be outsourcing, if we play are cards right hopefully to a more intergrated Africa and Latin America. Only then will the inequality in the world begin to shrink.

Former Klansman gets 60 years

Former Klansman,Edgar Ray Killen, an 80 year old Mississippi man was sentanced to 60 years in prison for his role in murdering three civil rights workers in 1964.

Good ridance, it is always nice to see scumbags taken off the streets!

San Francisco Fire Chief is a Husband Beater!

My how times have changed. Who would have thought that the police would receive an emergency call from the spouse of the fire chief for spousal abuse and the spouse is the Husband.

It is rather ironic the cities first female fire chief would be accused of beating her husband. I thought women were going to bring more common sense and less testosterone.

AIDS = Diabetes?????

Andrew Sullivan wrote an excellent piece in the advocate. Here is my favorite line: "But the bottom line is that HIV is fast becoming another diabetes."

He wrote this article in response to a this quote. "People are in such denial about how serious HIV is. Unfortunately, the best prevention is seeing people die.”
—Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Even though I honestly did not know that HIV was so treatable that statement is wrong on so many accounts. It seems that people really want to use revolutionary tactics and rhetoric no matter the cause. It is a shame because it makes the AIDS Healthcare Foundation appear radical. I can say the campaign against HIV has scared the crap out of me and I only have hetrosexual sex. I will not pretend to be an expert but I can say as a product of the Nancy Reagan (I do Love the Gipper) Just Say No! campaign. Most of what I learned about drugs turned out to be half-truths and scare-tactics, so I would not be surprised if the same thing is going on here.

I also did not realize that HIV patients use steroids. Andrew claims the steroids have bulked him up to weigh 190 lbs although he did not say how much he weighed previously.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

All Hale Supreme Court

The Supreme Court in all of its wisdom ruled today (5-4) that cities may sieze private property from residents in order to sell that property to a business to use for commercial purposes.

What a disgrace!!!!!!!!!!

10 Years and Loving It

Congratulations to Al Davis who ten years ago today signed a letter of intent to bring the Raiders back to Oakland.

Woman sues for 100 Grand

Apparently, Norreasha Gill 28, of Kentucky is not only a gullible idiot but she also does not have a shred of dignity. Gill was the tenth caller in a radio station contest for which they said she would receive 100 Grand. When she picked up her prize it was a 100 Grand CandyBar.

Of course she had no choice but to sue for breach of contract. What a loser! How much of a leech do you have to be to sue over a radio statio prank. I can only imagine the type of values this lady is teaching her three children. Welfare here they come.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Bull Shit is Full of Shit

"The main problem with the Patriot Act is that it gives law enforcement power to do things that it hasn't been able to do before," Marsha Hoffman said on an episode of Penn & Tellers Bull Shit. Penn then implied that this is a sane and correct position.

Excuse me, wasn't that the whole point of passing the Patriot Act? It is perfectly reasonable for law enforcement to have the ability to tap cell phones, the sneak and peak provision is common sense. If law enforcement were to inform a terror suspect his house had been searched the suspect would get rid of anything incriminating and could alert fellow accomplices of the investigation. This is the dumbest argument I have heard and to Penn & Teller I call Bull Shit!

I do think there should be judicial oversight before law enforcement performs any type of search, such as sneak & peak home searches or tapping of cell phones.

Hypocrits of the Week

It seems that this has been the year of the hypocrit, there have been several conservative republicans outed as gay and now we have two PETA employees, Andrew Benjamin Cook 24 & Andria Joy Hinkle 27 both of Virginia, charged with 31 felony counts of animal cruelty. Apparently these two PETA employees have been dumping dead cats & dogs in the local dumpster. Police found 18 dead animals in the dumpster and 13 more in the PETA van. FullStory

I hope it is time for PETA to shut up. I love animals and I believe anyone hurting them should go to jail, but these guys take it to far. My favorite is when they claim to be a vegetarian for humanitarian reasons but fail to recognize plants as living things, which can feel pain and be killed.

Iran Elections

Today Iranians went to the polls to choose a new president. I believe it is a shame that there is not the same outcry denouncing these elections the way the Iraq elections were denounced. Turnout will be key to this election. Many students and human rights activists are calling for boycotts of this phony election.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

France's Hypocricy On Front Street

It seems the other leaders in Europe have seen the hypocrocy in the recent statments of Chirac calling for the UK to refund their EU rebate while claiming France's farm subsidies are off the table. FullStory

Schiavo Results

The resluts have come out and Terri was in a persistent vegetative state. The autopsy also cleared the husband of any wrong doing. I do not understand how the doctors can tell how she got in this state so many year later.

I would never want to live like that and would definitely prefer to be dead. It seems that all of the people who said she was not in a vegetative state were wrong. I have not heard many pundits or politicians rushing to report how wrong they were. (no surprise)It was awful the way Terri was exploited for personal gain. Her "husband" should also count himself as one of the people who should feel like a scumbag.

His argument was since he is the husband he should get to decide her fate. On the face of the argument I have no quarrells. But under the surface it seems different. Mike Schiavo claimed he neeeded the millions he was suing the hospital for because he was going to take care of Terri for the rest of her life. When he does not get the millions (he got 1 million) then he remembers that Terri told him she would not want tolive like that. Their is no sanctity in a marriage where one partner has kids and has been living another person for a decade. I believe the parents should have had the legal decision making power for her, but in the end I think it was right for her to be allowed to die. I only wish she would have been allowed to die with dignity.

Child Sacrifices??

The BBC reports that the African and Asian communities are importing children to the UK in order to sacrifice them. Some in the African community believe if they sleep with children they will be cured of HIV. FullStory

EU Leaders At it Again

Wow these EU elites must be taking a page out of the democrats play book. They have decided to extend the deadline to ratify the EU constitution FullStory.

Extend the deadline? These guys are really out of touch. It seems that they know what is best for Europe even if the people in Europe do not know it yet. This just reinforces my belief that the UK must hold the referendum, in order to kill this constitution once and for all.

Grandpa Adoption Goes Bad

Last year Giorgio Angelozzi placed an ad in the paper looking for a family to adopt him. After offers came in from across the world, he accepted an offer to join a family in Spirano. Now he has fled and is accused of stealing checks from another family. I cannot believe the situation did not work out. FullStory

Chinese Riots

Chinese riots between farmers and men in camouflage wearing hard hats. The dispute is allegedly over land, which an electric company bought in order to put a power plant there.

This reminds me of the America at the onset of the industrial revolution. It wont be long until Chinese businesses begin outsourcing labor to countries that can provide cheaper labor.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Not Guilty

I cannot believe that MJ got cleared on all counts I thought or sure he would be convicted on at least some of the charges. I do believe this was the right decision because the prosecution never proved this case. Many say it was completely the mothers fault, but that is BS. Every witness the defense called was tainted, with tabloid money, lawsuits or changing stories.

The media seems to blame the jury for acquitting MJ, it is not the jury's fault the DA did not prove their case. The jury was not deciding if he is a child molestor but rather did he molest Gavin. People should direct their anger at the prosecution for putting on an extremely weak case.

EU Debate on UK Rebate

"It is very difficult," Tony Blair said. "The meeting I have just had with President Chirac was immensely amicable, but obviously there was a sharp disagreement.

"I think it is difficult to see these differences being bridged, but of course we continue to talk to people including the presidency about it."

Chirac expects the UK to return their refund negotiated by Thatcher, while Chirac claims farming subsidies, which France is the main benefactor are off the table. If Chirac is unwilling to give back his subsidies why would the UK even consider giving back the rebate. The EU is reeling, I still think the UK should move forward with their referendum just to kill the EU once and for all.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

More on Mike Tyson

“You guys define me as a fighter. You know, I look at my fans and they don’t love me. They don’t know me well enough to love-.they love what I do. I’m a professional- they come to be entertained. I’m an entertainer. They won’t let me into their house; they won’t let me marry or go out with their daughters. I entertain them.”

Not true, Mike you have an open invitation to my house. Your true fans don't want to see you fight any more, do missionary work and be happy.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Mike Tyson

"I do not have the guts to be in this sport anymore," Mike Tyson said. "I don't want to disrespect the sport that I love. My heart is not into this anymore. I'm sorry for the fans who paid for this. I wish I could have done better. I want to move on with my life. It's time to move on with my life and be a father, take care of my children."

It kills me to see Tyson go out like this but everyone paying attention knew this was coming, although most did not think McBride, a fighter hand picked for Tyson to KO instantly, would finish Tyson off. Hopefully Tyson learns to manage his money because this is sure to be his last big pay day.

Not even the biggest Tyson fan can realistcly believe Tyson could beat any fighter in the top 50.

Is it only me??

Am I the only one who finds it somewhat ironic that people are spending hours each day blogging about the urine on the Koran. The Arab street is pissed off (news flash)& many Americans are as well. I find it sad no one is as outraged at the bombs going off in Mosques. This seems much worse than pee on a koran which was given to a muslim by the infidel US government. Until the Arab street realizes that bombing Mosques is worse than pee on a Koran they will be in trouble.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


The state of Texas convicted a 19 year-old on two counts of murder Monday, sentencing him to life in prison. Gerardo Flores intentionally terminated his girlfriends four month pregnancy of twins at her request. The state of Texas did not and could not charge Erica Basoria 17, of any crime because it is her right to terminate the pregnancy. Flores' lawyer argued it could not be determinned whether the blows from Basoria or Flores terminated the pregnancy therefore he should get off. The jury disagreed.FullStory

EXCUSE ME!!!! The woman cannot be charged? There is no sane argument that can be made in defense of such an injustice.

Let me get this straight, a fetus is a life when the boyfriend strikes it, a crime punishable by life in prison. If the woman decides she is not ready then she can decide it is not a life and have a doctor perform an abortion. I have been pro-choice all my life but this is unfair and the woman should not have a constitutional right to do whatever she wants with the fetus. The fetus is a seperate entity and if it is a not a life when a woman or a doctor terminate the pregnancy then it is not a life when a man does it.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Why the French Lose Wars

"The masculine ideal is being completely modified. All the traditional male values of authority, infallibility, virility and strength are being completely overturned," said Pierre Francois Le Louet, the agency's managing director.

Yikes, metrosexuality is running wild, at least in Europe. No matter how hard they try I will never be ashamed of my masculinity. It seems as though some would like to do away with the differences among men and women.

I believe men do need to refocus our gender but not towards feminism, leave that for the women.

Nevada Gives Free College Education

The last bastion of socialism in Nevada lives. Any resident of Nevada will continue to recieve a free college education as long as they maintain a GPA of 2.75 and students do not even need a social security number to get the scholarship.

It is a little troubling since I am paying $12,500 a year to go attend the school. I have no problems with Nevada residents getting free educations, (although I believe they should raise the GPA up to 3.0) but it is a little disheartening to see illegal immigrants recieving a free education while I have to pay extra because I am from another state.

But you know what they say, life is not fair.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

For what its worth

"The scale of this killing was so extensive, and its nature was so indiscriminate and disproportionate, that it can best be described as a massacre," Human Rights Watch [HRW] said in its report, presented at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday. (In reference to the Uzbekistan Protestors killed)

I wonder what would happen if the pysho-protestors in this country actually protested in a country that banned free speech, like Uzbekistan, my bet is they would be silent.

The Intellectual

Wouldn't you know it. John "The Intellectual" Kerry released his college grades and there were 5 D's. Let the libs tell it and W is a moron for getting a C, looks like we dodged a close one.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Hezbollah Ticket Sweeps S Lebanon?????

This is the moment all of the anti-war liberals have been waiting for. Democracy appears in the Middle East and a militant theocracy is elected.

OOOPS, they only won 17 seats, but at least the control 17 out of the 128 seats available. We all knew the Shia would vote in Hezbollah in the south but we also knew Hezbollah will be marginalized in Lebanon after the elections.

It is the other Euros I cannot stand

"We have to evaluate the message from the people to us... then I think we have to continue the ratification," Luxembourg's foreign minister said.

The message from the people is to stop ratifying the constitution. These EU elites dont know how to say "No Mas".

That being said it appears that the British should vote on the constitution just to be clear the message is being received. A no from Britain would definitely KO this constitution.

Love the British (just not in boxing)

"I may no longer practice medicine, but I can tell a corpse when I see one and this constitution is a case for the morgue if ever I saw one - this is a dead constitution," Jack Straw told British MPs.

He said this in response to chirac & Schroeder claiming the ratification of the EU constitution should continue despite the no votes.

Couldn't we be more like Europe.

Scary Thought

In the NYT, Betsy McCaughey claims that 1 out of 20 hospital patients contract an infection during their hospital stay, while hospital infections kill 130,000 people each year, more than AIDS, breast cancer, and auto accidents combined. And this is only in the United States.

Bob Herbert Rises to Dumb-Ass

Herbert wrote in the NYT about the increasingly difficult time Americans are having rising out of their social standing.

It seems that some will never be able to forget those Bush tax cuts. I know there are lots of people out there that feel the rich should have to pay at least 70% of their income to the government.

To you, I say, get a damn job and quit worrying about it being hard. Herbert seems to have done alright for himself, but us normal peons could never dream of being as smart or hardworking as Bob.

Conservatives 4 Pot

Well, well if anyone ever says you can never count on a liberal, believe em.

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 against medical marijuana and not one of the rat liberals voted for medical marijuana. True conservatives understand the value of states rights, it is a shame liberals want the federal government to have complete control over everything.

Supreme Court Says No to Marijuana

The Supreme Court delivered a fatal blow to the marijuana movement ruling the federal government could prosecute people legally prescribed marijuana by their doctors under state law.

Although the fight is far from over Marijuana advocates need to regroup. I believe the fight should be contained solely at state levels until many more states legalize medical marijuana. Next, a state will have to attempt to completely legalize, not for medicine but for recreation, then there will be a chance. Sane decisions have a way of taking time to pass.

The Bull Shit is the court used the interstate commerce objection to strike down the law. Never mind that they were reviewing people who should be growing marijuana for their own personal use not to sell especially out of state.

If a person go to the bar and legally drink 5 shots of Tequilla then a person should be able to smoke a bowl.

Ricky Hatton

So Englands little darling finally fought and beat somebody tough. Isn't that cute! Get over it Manchester he still sucks and he loves to fight bums. Please fight Chico next!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Koran

So the Pentagon has just announced that the Koran was in fact somewhat mishandled. Who cares?

If mainstream muslims believe this is significant and would like to join the Jihad after hearing that news then they deserve to blow themselves up. I don't believe this news is going to make the muslims go ape-shit.

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Euros

Wow, the Euro elite seems determined to ratify the constitution no matter how many states vote no. EU officials are now saying the two no votes does not mean the constitution is automatically dead. What? They would not have the audacity to back door the European people would they?

The new constitution would give the EU a foreign minister and a full time president. The constitution is also worded in such a way that it would have to be serious changes in Europe down the line. There is a clause that says:

"The Union shall have competence to define and implement a common foreign and security policy, including the progressive framing of a common defence policy." (from BBC)

The EU officials swear that common foreign policy does not mean common just sort of common.

People opposed the constitution for a variety of reasons, for example many French voted no because they do not want free markets. Others did not want to give their sovereignty to Brussells. What ever their reasons I am happy to see it rejected.

The U.S of Europe is dead. Props to Europe!


It appears CNN is attempting to change things up. I flipped on today and it was Judy Woodruff's last day, next, Crossfire comes on the air and announces this will be the last show (about time). Hopefully CNN decides to do some serious news stories and much more international stories. There is definitely a void in the cable news market for a serious news channel. Fox news is a complete joke, half of their stories are naked women or celeberity stories. Fox is supposed to be a right-wing station, yeah right, Fox has gone Hollywood, they suck!