Monday, June 06, 2005

Supreme Court Says No to Marijuana

The Supreme Court delivered a fatal blow to the marijuana movement ruling the federal government could prosecute people legally prescribed marijuana by their doctors under state law.

Although the fight is far from over Marijuana advocates need to regroup. I believe the fight should be contained solely at state levels until many more states legalize medical marijuana. Next, a state will have to attempt to completely legalize, not for medicine but for recreation, then there will be a chance. Sane decisions have a way of taking time to pass.

The Bull Shit is the court used the interstate commerce objection to strike down the law. Never mind that they were reviewing people who should be growing marijuana for their own personal use not to sell especially out of state.

If a person go to the bar and legally drink 5 shots of Tequilla then a person should be able to smoke a bowl.

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