Friday, June 24, 2005

AIDS = Diabetes?????

Andrew Sullivan wrote an excellent piece in the advocate. Here is my favorite line: "But the bottom line is that HIV is fast becoming another diabetes."

He wrote this article in response to a this quote. "People are in such denial about how serious HIV is. Unfortunately, the best prevention is seeing people die.”
—Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Even though I honestly did not know that HIV was so treatable that statement is wrong on so many accounts. It seems that people really want to use revolutionary tactics and rhetoric no matter the cause. It is a shame because it makes the AIDS Healthcare Foundation appear radical. I can say the campaign against HIV has scared the crap out of me and I only have hetrosexual sex. I will not pretend to be an expert but I can say as a product of the Nancy Reagan (I do Love the Gipper) Just Say No! campaign. Most of what I learned about drugs turned out to be half-truths and scare-tactics, so I would not be surprised if the same thing is going on here.

I also did not realize that HIV patients use steroids. Andrew claims the steroids have bulked him up to weigh 190 lbs although he did not say how much he weighed previously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for revolutionary tactics and rhetoric see Republican Party