Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New Orleans Parish Prison

I must admit I am a news junkie, but there are two stories I cannot get into natural disasters and missing person stories. It is not that I do not symapthize with the victims of Katrina or that I do not believe it is news worthy it just bores me. It is not news that the south east has hurricanes so people live there at their own risk. It is not as if this is the first year of hurricanes. That being said it is probably not the time to debate this as there are still many people suffering through this disaster.

Interestingly enough there was one story which has been buried which is interesting. There are reports that inmates at New Orleans Parish Prison have taken control of the prison and have a guard, his wife and four children hostage.

The problem is that there is no media in this area to confirm these reports. IT appears the inmates want food, water and survival. I am no prison apologist but I do believe that it is human nature to survive and do whatever it takes to survive. If these prisoners have been left to their own device to drown or starve then taking control of the prison seems to be a logical step if they just want food and water. If they are attempting to exploit the situation by rioting and hoping to escape they should be severely punished. However rioting for food, water and survival seems to be alright to me. If I was left in a flooded building I would do whatever was necessary tro survive.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Andrew is going OJ on SUV's today. The general crux of the aruement is SUV's use more gas and therefore they directly help in the funding of roque nations such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Andrews site is even having a contest for the best anti-suv bumper sticker. Is this an accurate assesment?

I think not. There is no doubt that America is a gas loving and consuming nation. We consume enough energy for many nations. If we were to begin monitoring and conserving oil then we could start to untangle our country from these bad regimes. On its face it sounds good, but it is a little naive.

Asia is consuming energy at enormous rates and there consumption will surpass ours in the near future. Their demand for energy can be seen in China's willingness to pay more than market value for an American energy company. The market for oil goes way beyond SUV's and America.

America divorcing themselves from less than friendly oil nations would do nothing to solve any problems going on in the Middle East. To be sure the countries would feel a slight hit if we stopped purchasing their product but there are plenty of addicts to make sure they have large bank accounts. Am I supposed to believe that without US dollars the region is magically going to become a peaceful region? Maybe if we quit purchasing their oil they will begin to direct their anger at Asia?

The most likely scenario for the Middle East with out American engagement is a worsening of human rights violations (if possible)and a further disconnect from the rest of the world. Picture Africa, no oil nobody(no Americans) cares what happens in the Sudan or Liberia or anywhere in Sub-Sahharan Africa. This would truly be a tragic event.

Oil is the only connection the Middle East has with the rest of the world if they did not have this connection then we could grant these compassionate anti-war protestors their wish and allow the Middle East to terrorize their public without so much as a 1 minute headline sandwiched in between a celbrity break-up and missing person story.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Zarqawi Aid Killed!!!!

Iraqi forces have killed a top aid of public enemy #1 Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.

I must be in the wrong business, Zarqawi has more top aids than a CEO of an evil multinational corporation. Unfortunately for Zarqawi it seems that good help is hard to find they cannot keep themselves alive long enough to get promoted.

Friday, August 12, 2005

State of Emergency in New Mexico

New Mexico's governor Bill Richardson declared a state of emergency due to the lack of border control. Richardson claims there are drugs being smuggled in, cattle being attacked and crimes being committed due to illegal immigration.

Props to Richardson for taking this bold step. I say bold not because the people reject this plan but because his party and liberal base do not support closing the border. Of course the majority of Americans and especially us living in the border states completely support this move and welcome the rest of the border state governors to do the same.

This came after a huge battle in SoCal over illegal immigration. Unfortunately the hispanic left came out to call everyone who supports sensible border measures a racist. As an American of Mexican descent it embarrasses me to no end to see the hispanic left. Void of any arguments and reduced solely to name calling. I believe the majority of clear thinking hispanics want sensible border policies. Illegal immigration hurts Mexicans more than anyother group of people. This is because the legal immigrants must compete directly with illegal immigrants.

Anyone that lives in a state consumed by illegal immigration realizes that the illegal immigrants are taking jobs that Americans due want such as construction,
painting and landscaping.

Republicans should beware of the democrats outflanking them on immigration thereby taking many voters who care deeply about this issue.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I said no salt

It appears that wife beating is a national sport in sub-Saharan Africa. The NYT reported that a majority of men and many women believe that beating your wife is justified if she is disobedient. Here is the best quote in the article.

"To Kenny Adebayo, a 30-year-old driver in Lagos, the issue is clear-cut. "If you tell your wife she puts too much salt in the dinner, and every day, every day, every day there is too much salt, one day you will get emotional and hurt her," he said. "We men in Africa hate disrespect."

This is multi-culturalism I can dig!


It seems as Terrell Owens is now public enemy #1, the talk show callers have decided TO needs to stop being greedy and be a man and honor the contract he signed. The only problem is the people who are saying this are ignorant. I have not heard one of these ignorant people calling in and saying the owners need to be men and honor the contract they sign. For example, Peter Warrick was just informed he needs to accept a pay cut or be cut from the team. Or is a contract only a contract when the player signs it.

Next the issue of greed. Are athletes greedy? Sure, but so is the management and every other red blooded capitalist. I have season tickets to the Oakland Raiders and the parking, concessions and ticket prices are always being raised. The owners are not an altruistic bunch of people just looking to help innercity kids become wealthy.

The same hysteria was made about Ricky Williams suddenly retiring before last season. Ricky was made out to be the biggest piece of crap around. People said he betrayed the Dolphins, he betrayed his teammates, etc... I would like to know how much notice Ricky was going to receive when the Dolphins were done with him. Certainly not 1 year, probably not more than 1 month if that.

Where are all the critics going to be when TO is cut before he ever gets to collect the money back loaded in his contract?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Private Property????

A homeowner in Wisconsin placed a blue big bird on his roof. The neighbors complained and went to the city officials to get the bird removed. The man was threatened with a fine of $100 a day.

Laws like this are the threat to private property, they can force certain lawn standards, or forbid flags or birds. The immenent domain ruling by the Supreme Court was only the next logical step. People are so concerned about property values they see nothing wrong with forcing their rules on their community they should not be upset when the courts rule against private property in order to raise money.

ACLU sues NY

The ACLU has sued NY over the random bag searches, claiming they are unconstitutional. The ACLU had better hope that the subways do not get bombed because if they are the ACLU might be lynched. I am not a fan of random bag searches, I believe profiling should be used to determine wether or not someone should be seatched. For example,a 90 year old lady should be profiled as not a terrorist. Profiling may be not be fool proof but it is better than random searches.

Isreali soldier

An Israeli soldier who had deserted his post in protest of the Gaza pullout went on a shooting spree against Arab-Israelis. The soldier was killed by the crowd of horrified onlookers. Arab-Israelis are claiming the police did not sufficiently stop the soldier.

Unfortunately this could be a more common occurance if governments are unable or refuse to provide legitimate security for its population. If you recall last September 12 workers from Nepal were murdered in Iraq and the Nepalese people went ape shit, burning Mosques, sacking muslim owned stores and chanting anti-islamic phrases. If there is another significant attack here I think we will see an increase in vigilante justice.

The Arabs are claiming this is a terrorist attack and were outraged. If only they could be so outraged when it is the Jews who are being bombed, then this problem could be over sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Gray on Friedman

John Gray takes some shots at Friedmans book "The World is flat".

I must admit that I am a fan of Thomas Friedman and his "neo-liberal" view. I believe that globalization and free markets will lead to a more peaceful and more just world.

Gray writes "Over the past two hundred years, the spread of capitalism and industrialization has gone hand in hand with war and revolution. It is a fact that would not have surprised Marx. Why do Friedman and other neoliberals believe things will be any different in the twenty-first century?"

This is a classic canned argument that can be used against any theory or any time period. Why? Because there have always been wars and revolutions! Violence is a function of humanity. Evidence of wars can be found in every culture on every continent in every time period.(except maybe Tibet, but then we see how good that worked out for them)