Thursday, August 04, 2005

Isreali soldier

An Israeli soldier who had deserted his post in protest of the Gaza pullout went on a shooting spree against Arab-Israelis. The soldier was killed by the crowd of horrified onlookers. Arab-Israelis are claiming the police did not sufficiently stop the soldier.

Unfortunately this could be a more common occurance if governments are unable or refuse to provide legitimate security for its population. If you recall last September 12 workers from Nepal were murdered in Iraq and the Nepalese people went ape shit, burning Mosques, sacking muslim owned stores and chanting anti-islamic phrases. If there is another significant attack here I think we will see an increase in vigilante justice.

The Arabs are claiming this is a terrorist attack and were outraged. If only they could be so outraged when it is the Jews who are being bombed, then this problem could be over sooner rather than later.

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