Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gas Hysteria

Although I do not like the rapid increase in gas prices, I am shocked to hear so many "conservatives" call for the government to investigate this. I hear them say that they are making too much profit. That smacks of Communism to me. If one were to look at this objectively then they would see that adjusted for infaltion gas is as cheap today as it was 25 years ago. I got this chart from Instapundit.

I think people should examine the price of movie tickets, comic books, soda, hell houses or cars or any product 25 years ago and see if gas is significantly higher. It is not. Get over it people prices rise. The cheapness of our gas causes many to waste it and maybe the increase will cause us to use energy more wisely.

1 comment:

Joe Verica said...

The current price of gas does not bother me much. As you point out, the inflation adjucted price is about where it has been for quite some time. The scary part is that the price may double from where it currently stands. At least, that is what some economic analysts are predicting.