Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup

I know, I know, soccer sucks right? Wrong! (well maybe MLS sucks, but not the World Cup) No commercials, country versus country and it only happens every four years. Unfortunately, since it is in Germany the games start in the morning so any of you productive people will only be able to watch on the weekends. But hey its a great excuse to begin drinking at 7 a.m.

GOOOAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Germany just scored)


Anonymous said...

Rub it in!

Joe Verica said...

I never really like soccer - probably because I never played as a kid and don't really understand the game. I have seen some MLS games and they were lame. When I lived in SF a few years back, I was exposed to a lot of soccer. I spent a lot of time consuming burritos and the San Jose Taqueria in the Mission district. Every taco joint in the district has a TV tuned to a soccer match somewhere, so I was more or less forced to watch. I must say the games are more interesting that I expected. Now I make it a point to watch the World Cup. I was kinda bummed that the US got beaten pretty bad by the Czechs. I did not expect the US to win, but I had hoped that they would play better.

Anyway, I still think you are right about MLS - it sucks.