Thursday, January 26, 2006

Flatline (updated)

Only two outcomes that I see with the Hamas victory. 1. Israel sets their own border setting off a war between the two with outside parties being drawn in. or 2. Hamas renounces violence and recognizes Israel and world peace breaks out. (cough, cough, this is good shit)
To be clear I dont think that Hamas will just disarm peacefully but rather I could see them becoming intoxicated with power and therefore change there beliefs in order to maintain power.
Regardless this election is huge, but we need to wait for Israeli elections in March to learn the full implication. For the record I think it is positive to have elections everywhere no matter the outcome. I would rather know that the majority of people want an extremist government, than to be told constantly that the people like us it is just the repressive government that does not.
So much more to say but the semester has started and I have HW.

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