Friday, January 27, 2006


Since the Hamas victory yesterday, I have heard many talking heads make statements such as, "becareful what you ask for" or "Islam is not compatible with Democracy." It seems that both conservatives and liberals are united in the belief that the Hamas victory proved that Bush was wrong for "pushing Western values on the Middle East."

This is complete BS in my humble opinion. I think it is a human right for people to have a say in their government. Why would anyone oppose voting in the Middle East? Are they scared the radical Islamic parties will win?

I hate to break the news to everyone but the Middle East is already full of radical governments. If there are elections then we know that this is the will of the people not just a minority of radicals. It appears that many would rather condemn a large portion of the worlds' population to subjugation, that is heartbreaking.

1 comment:

John Sobieski said...

Not heartbreaking, just reality. We should disengage and allow Islam to feed upon itself rather than being a parasite on the West.