Monday, February 26, 2007


Well I have officially made my CSPAN debut. No I am not on CPSAN, but I am working for them as a free lance video reporter for the Road to the White House series. I recorded Senator Biden in Carson City, Nevada and they played about 30 minutes of my footage. You can watch here, although I have been having problems with the viewing it from my computer. Hopefully this is just the first of many.


Joe Verica said...

Condrats on the new job!

I like CSPAN. I usually watch their coverage of Presidential Speeches (State of the Union, Inaugural Address, etc). I also like BOOK-TV (I think that is CSPAN2), and some of the other interviews they have conducted with various journalists.

Joe Verica said...

Sorry about the spelling error. I meant congrats!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Actually I am a big CSPAN junkie too. I love Book-TV and yes it's CSPAN2.
