Sex scandals, corruption charges and pork barrel projects seem to be the only thing coming out of congress these days. No wonder the approval rating for congress is lower than at any point in the last twelve years. Ironically, twelve years ago was when the voters threw the Democrats out of the house, which they controlled for years. Notice the trend? Both the Democrats and the Republicans take turns controlling congress before the public gets so mad that we throw them out and hands the reigns off to the other party. Sadly, this begins the completely twisted cycle all over again.
Voting these days is like playing Three-card Monte, no matter which candidate you pick it’s a loser. Don’t believe me though, watch their campaign ads. The candidates gladly inform us their opponents are incompetent and dishonest. Is it any wonder half the country chooses not to vote? The big question is, why does the other half continue to play this no-win game? First off, responsible citizens must exercise their right to vote. This is what makes free societies strong. People that choose not to exercise their right to vote, lose any legitimacy when complaining about government. I believe part of the reason the government behaves the way it does is because they don’t think anyone will hold them accountable. A politically active public is necessary to force change in government.
Enough is enough! It is time to quit voting for the lesser of two evils; there is an alternative. Vote for a third party. I know, you don’t want to waste your vote, right? Therefore, you force yourself to vote for the lesser of two evils. If voting for someone who cannot win is a waste of a vote, then voting for someone you don’t like is a waste of democracy. You waste your vote, when you vote for someone that you know is not the right person for the job. The system will only change if we the people force it to change. If enough people began to vote for third parties, we might be able to create a better democracy. The greatest country on the planet must be able to field better choices than this. By monopolizing elections, the Democrats and Republicans force us to vote for their watered down the list of candidates thereby propping up this broken system.
Me? I'm voting Libertarian.
That makes two of us! Liberals and Conservatives are one in the same...
Excellent post!
The pendulum swings but in the end, nothing really changes. I think PJ O'Rourke put it best in his book, "Parliment of Whore". He said (paraphrasing) that both Dems and the GOP are corrupt and screw things up, the only difference is that the GOP makes a few buck in the process.
As for voting for a third party, I think it will make a difference, but it will take time before the fruits are noticed. The problem is that everyone want to vote for a winner. Most people are pretty ignorant when it comes to politics. They vote for someone based on party affiliation, their stand on one or two "key" issues, or simply because they are handsome and present themselves well. These are hardly a good barometer for measuring one's qualifications for public office.
There are also those who don't care. They don't vote but they do complain.
I just returned from a trip to DC with my in-laws. They have been staying at my house for over a month (thus my dissapearence from the blogosphere). Anyway, I was really moved by some of the quotations and thoughts of our founding fathers. It makes one wonder where all the true statesmen have gone. Today, we have politicians who only put themselves first.
As for voting third party, I will definately consider it.
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