Monday, April 10, 2006

Borders First!

IMHO, it seems counter productive to have a debate about what we should do with the 12 million illegal immigrants in this country before we secure our borders. The first thing we need to do is stop the flow of illegals, then we can decide what to do with the ones that are here. This is because if we do offer some sort of amnesty deal then millions more would enter the country hoping to fast track themselves to citizenship.

I believe that amensty, however bad a policy it might be, is the best option, BUT ONLY if we secure the borders. It makes no sense to me, to waste resources going after illegal immigrants whom we can only imprison or deport. That would cost millions upon millions and would harm production. If we were able to deport all 12 million overnight, what would happen to the economy? Certainly, losing millions of workers overnight would be catastrophic to economic production. Illegal immigration has been an issue long before 9/11 yet I do not remember so many ivoking security as the main reason to close the border.

To be clear, I think fear mongering is way overdone. First, I believe that some are going way too far by invoking the War on Terror. To be sure, open borders are not good for stopping terrorists that want to attack but lets not go too far.

Likewise, the race card being played by some is tired and old. Sure, its racist to have a border policy. I wonder why these newly oppressed Mexicans do not claim that Mexico is racist for its strict border policy. Better yet why aren't they protesting Vicente Fox's non-existant programs for the poor? No they want to come here to get opportunities that are not available in their country and then they have the nerve to cry racism once we try and regulate our border.

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