Friday, March 31, 2006


I think if we are going to have an honest debate about immigration than both sides have to admit to their overstatements.

First, unskilled illegal immigrants drive down wages for the labor jobs. The unskilled illegal immigrants taxes do not cover the costs of services provided such as education and healthcare. Likewise they are taking jobs that Americans want, for example according to Newsweek illegal immigrants make up, 29% of all roofers and agricultural workers, 25% of all brick masons and construction laborers,20% of all computer hardware engineers, 18% of upholsterers. The point is Americans are already doing these jobs! These are all professions that Americans have always worked in, the difference is Americans don't want to work for peanuts.


We need immigrants to keep our economy growing. The current birthrate demands that we import workers into this country to meet labor demands. Also, it is not good policy to make illegal immigrants felons. If we arrested the 12 million illegals the court costs (translators for all)and incarceration costs would bankrupt the country, not to mention the blow the economy would take from the significant loss of a labor force.

There is also another improtant factor to consider and that is culture and identity. Many fear that Mexican immigrants will not assimilate. I think this is happens because people know that Mexicans have been coming to this country since the US first won it from Mexico in war. It appears as if Mexicans are not upward mobile and prefer to stay segregated off with their own people. This is not so true. Third and second generation descendents of Mexican immigrants (I am a third generation)usually do not speak Spanish and are American. Unlike other immigrant groups, such as the Irish or Italians or whomever, the Mexican immigrants keep coming. This means that Mexicans are always in low employment positions. It makes it appear that Mexicans as a whole have not imroved their lot and that is not true. The descendents of the Mexican immigrants from the 1920 wave of Mexican immigration have assimilated and prospered. That being said it is a different time. My grandparents refused to allow their children to speak Spanish because they were Americans, you don't see that too much anymore.

The bottom line is we must take control over our borders. It is illogical to claim we cannot regulate and control our borders because the country was founded on immigration. But we need to do it in a sensible way that allows for economic growth.


Joe Verica said...

I saw the same stats about the percentage of immigrants in various parts of the workforce. It always pisses me off when I hear guys like Bush or Sean Hannity saying the the illegals are doing jobs Americans don't want. They try to create the impression that the illegals are picking grapes and cleaning hotel rooms. Obviously, that is not true. Besides, even if it were true, it is not accurate to say that Americans don't want these jobs. Americans just don't want to work for $6.75 and hour with no benefits. Employers are fine with that. They don't mind underpaying employees and having no regard for their well-being.

What about the borders and amnesty? The borders are definately a problem. Post-9/11, it represents a security threat. Also, as you point out, the illegals are pouring over the border, taking jobs, driving down wages, and sucking up more than their fair share of social services. Something has to be done to control this.

I agree that making them all felons serves no purpose. I am not sure amnesty is a good idea either, but I need to think this issue through a little more. I'll get back to you on that....

Jimmy the Saint said...

Have you ever been to a place where new houses are going up? Notice who make up most of the roofers and drywallers now? Ten years ago, Americans had those jobs. Why? They paid a fairly decent wage. The construction companies are hiring illegals instead because they can pay them peanuts. It has nothing to do with illegals filling jobs Americans don't want. It has to do with big business wanting the cheapest labor possible. What labor is cheaper then illegals?