Alhtough I think Alito seems like a stellar candidate, his denial of any knowledge of his membership in CAP (Concerned Alumni of Princeton) seems, shall we say, tough-to-believe. I would think that he should be able to remember involvement or at least what the club stood for. His continual denial about anyknowledge of the issues that the club cared about is difficult for me to believe. He is an extremely intelligent person and he should remember the club if he thought enough of it to list it in his resume. The Democrats claim the club favors keeping women and minorities enrollment low. It probably means that they oppose affirmative action, which is much different.
After Sen. Kennedy read various quotes from articles in CAP newsletters, Alito denied any knowledge of the articles and distanced himself from the comments. He went further and said he would not have been part of the organization had he known the organization held these views. He claims that he joined because of the schools objectional treatment of the ROTC program.
While I believe that the ROTC was probably a large part of the reason he joined, it seems suspicious to me that he knew nothing else about the club. Kennedy is demanding the committe vote to subpoena the CAP records, this seems reasonable since Alito is denying any active invovlement in the group.
It is important to note that I do not believe his involvement with CAP is bad or should keep him out, just that it is hard for me to believe that he knew nothing of this alumni group that he joined. If he is lying about his involvement then I think that is a reason to vote against him.
(note: I am in agreement with Sen Kennedy, which besides being very troubling to me, also means I could be wrong)
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Nice job! I was just about to post something about the Alito/CAP issue. I think you said just about everything I intended to say. I have watched the coverage on CSPAN and I like the way Alito presents himself. He seems pretty level headed and fairminded. The CAP things does bother me though. I am tempted to give Alito the benefit of the doubt on this because he seems so forthcoming on other issues, but I think he needs to step up to the plate on this one and explain himself. "I don't recall" won't cut it. That being said, I think he will still be confirmed if he successfully skirts the issue - unless of course something outrageous is uncovered in the CAP archived Kennedy is trying to get a hold of.
Wow I almost fell off my chair after reading that. Bravo, Roy
Kennedy is not looking so smart today. Specter got the CAPS docs that Teddy was ranting about. After going through FOUR boxes of documents, NO LETTERS or PAPERS mentioning or written by Alito were found. Apparently Sen. Kennedy had no knowledge of what the documents contained. It was more of a witchhunt than anything else. I guess they were trying to smear Alito with the "guilt by association" trick.
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