Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yet one more for China

As I said in a previous blog, states that are more connected with the outside world tend to have more rights for women, minorities, etc...This is because women and minorities are needed in the workforce and people that contribute to the economy are protected because their contributions are needed. Economies cannot fully develop without participation from all groups in society.

China is moving to outlaw sexual harrasment for the first time. Currently China has no such laws on the books even though polls suggest it is a wide spread problem. This reinforces my argument for CAFTA, it is superior to have states connected with the outside world.

I repeat it wont be long until China is free. I am fearful of the Taiwan situation, but I think it is the Taiwaneses country to lose. Both Taiwan and the US should ease pressure on China and let it come down from within.

Even though I believe Taiwan should be independent, now is not the time for them to push the issue. It would be a big mistake for them to give the Chinese government a foreign enemy to focus the countries attention on instead of the oppressive government they currently have. If Taiwan can just sit back and wait for the people to bring it down then their job will be significantly easier. The same goes with the US government we should kill them with kindness and watch the fun!

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