Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Is CNN intentionally mistranslating?

According to this they just might be.

CNN translation:
Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology and the international community should drop its demands that Tehran prove it's not trying to build a nuclear weapon, Iraq's foreign minister said Friday.


"Iran doesn't claim that they want to obtain a nuclear weapon or a nuclear bomb, so there is no need that we ask them for any guarantee now," Hoshyar Zebari said after meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Manouchehr Mottaki.

Omar's Translation:

We respect Iran's and every other nation's right to pursue nuclear technology for research purposes and peaceful use given they accept [giving] the internationally required guarantees that this will not lead to an armament race in the region…

Friday, May 19, 2006

True Courage (& Good Reading)

For those of you who have not checked out the blog, "Iraq the model" do so!

Here is just a snipet of the latest post:

The other day I was with some friends at home and the subject eventually surfaced "let's just wait for another six months, I'm sure things will improve by then" one friend said and I nodded in agreement "I'm not willing to take the risk, what if I get killed or kidnapped tomorrow or next month!? I'm leaving Iraq to live somewhere else until I believe it's safe to return, we live only once guys!" and I nodded in agreement too.
Both opinions make a lot of sense and I could never say the first friend was a coward since he's still living through what I and the other friend are living through.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and so do many people but they wonder if the tunnel is going to collapse before we reach its end.

Happy Birthday Malcolm X

“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you send him to the cemetery.”

Malcolm X is perhaps the most misunderstood American in the history of this country. Many say that he is a hate-monger or that he preached violence, but nothing could be further from the truth. Malcolm never preached violence; he only advocated the use of violence for self-defense. This is not a hateful message rather it is common sense. Malcolm X is only saying things that most parents teach their children at a young age.

But if you say, you can still pass the violations over, then I ask, Hath your house been burnt? Hath your property been destroyed before your face? Are your wife and children destitute of a bed to lie on, or bread to live on? Have you lost a parent or a child by their hands, and yourself the ruined wretched survivor? If you have not, then you are not a judge of those who have. But if you have, and can still shake hands with the murderers, then you are unworthy of the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward, and the spirit of a sycophant…
Thomas Paine, Common Sense 1776

Certainly, no American would claim that Paine was a hate monger or that he preached violence. Quite the contrary, he is regarded as an American Patriot and rightfully so. King George treated the colonists much better than white society treated black society. Therefore, when Malcolm said that he wanted freedom, justice and equality by any means necessary he was echoing the sentiments that American patriots had always professed.

I cannot understand why many Americans, especially conservatives are so hostile to Malcolm X. I suppose that much of the contempt directed at Malcolm X stems from his early views on whites. He believed that they were all devils. This twisted view was shaped by the Nation of Islam. However, Malcolm abandoned this racist ideology after making a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. Likewise, many detest his anti-capitalism rhetoric. I suspect his economic views would change if he witnessed the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union. Many people believed that capitalism was a zero-sum game however this idea seems to have vanished from the mainstream. Even though he completely changed his racist views he knew that his image would be exploited in death.

"He will make use of me dead, as he has made use of me alive, as a convenient symbol of hatred"

Tie a yellow ribbon, on your shirt?????

Well it is official, Iran lawmakers passed a law that would force Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians to wear cloth identifiers.

Iran's roughly 25,000 Jews would have to sew a yellow strip of cloth on the front of their clothes, while Christians would wear red badges and Zoroastrians would be forced to wear blue cloth.

Update: Story is starting to seem fake

Update: Story is bogus!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Great Emancipator

No not honest Abe, but Niccolo Machiavelli. He could be considered one of the most influential people ever. His influence has expanded for more than 450 years. His name has become a popular adjective and Tupac, even informally changed his name to Makeveli in honor the philosopher. Machiavelli did much more than influence Tupac, he also inspired some of the most influential philosophers of the ensuing centuries, such as Locke, Rousseau, Marx and Nietzsche.

Although many consider Machiavelli a teacher of evil, I consider him the founder of political science. It is true that The Prince, did promote many controversial ideas, but he was simply approaching politics scientifically. Machiavelli wrote in a time that did not allow free expression of ideas. He invited change, dismissed limitations, advocated for the protection of property, created an historical analysis of maintaining power and even exposed the limitations of Christian morals.

Machiavelli lived in the 15th and 16th century two hundred years before the enlightenment. In these centuries, Aristotle was dogma and the church used force to suppress knowledge. He did not have the freedom to speak freely in the way that Locke, Rousseau, Marx and Nietzsche did. He was required to veil the true meaning behind his words while they could freely expand on every concept. It would have been suicide for Machiavelli to attempt to expand on the ideas promoted in The Prince. Yet he was able to emancipate politics from the philosophical good, which Socrates and Plato had imposed.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Global Warming

Far be it from me to play scientist. Generally I am a skeptic on most contested theories until I see real proof. However, this article is interesting.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Al Gore???

Wow, the liberals never cease to amaze me. For about the last two weeks the libs at the Huffington Post have been asking Hillary to step aside because she is unelectable. On the surface this seems logical, but they believe that Al Gore should be the democrat to run because he is electable. Huh???? If Al Gore does not epitimize "LOSER" then I don't know who does.

Please Run Gore, Please.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Like Father, Like Son, Like Family

It seems that Patrick Kennedy a Democrat member of congress from Rhode Island, oh and the son of Ted Kennedy, was involved in a car accident at 2:45 a.m. Apparently the officers on the scene were not allowed to administer a sobriety test.

Boy the Kennedy family sure turned out to be one big piece of crap!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


It's decided then life in prison. Before anyone starts with the "we should not make a martyr out of him, this is real punishment, bit." Consider for a second that he now will be free to attend the Mosque weekly while preaching his brand of extremist Islam. He will have a life time to recruit disenfranchised Muslims to the terrorist cause. Hopefully, we can get some frontier justice (ie: tooth brush to the neck) but I am not holding my breath. After the verdict was read Moussaoui said "America, you lost. I won." He clapped his hands as he was escorted away.

Sure did not seem like he wanted the death penalty. The jurors believed that his role was not significant enough to warrant death. While I was not on the jury, it seems that if we catch an Al Qaeda terrorist that admits and rejoices to being a terrorist the least we can do is oblige him with death.

Update: it appears that Moussaoui is going to super max, not sure how long he will be classified as a super max prisoner or how long it will be until the Frenchies try and get him transferred to France. I still think he should have received the death penalty. I think that people who admit to being Al Qaeda in court should be put to death.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A Day without an Immigrant

It's official, it seems that everyone enjoyed their day! Maybe next time they can do a year without an immigrant.

If they continue to hold these rallies and let radical groups such as the Brown Berets and Mecha speak for them they will be banned for sure. Since groups like Mecha and the Brown Berets think that there should be no borders, we should send their asses right over it.

As an American of Mexican descent, I find it treasonous to hear immigrants or other "Latinos" claim the South West should go back to Mexico. Uh no! Mexico already got its ass kicked once, I don't think they want another taste. The borders of Mexico were created by a European power. There was no such thing as Mexico before the Spanish invaded and took over. Don't these idiots realize that Spanish is the language of the Conquistadors? Spain is in Europe, fools!

To be clear, I am in favor of immigration for ecomical reasons (such as the 78 million baby boomers that are about to retire and suck social security and medicare dry) but the more illegal immigrants take to the streets, allowing some to make wild statements such as reuniting Mexico, the more inclined I am to stop immigration. Maybe we can force the old people to work if they want their social security check.

Monday, May 01, 2006

War on Drugs (updated)

Mexico is proposing a bill decriminalizing small amounts of Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin and Ecstacy. The politicians of San Diego are outraged.

"I'm going to call this action what it is, appallingly stupid, reckless and incredibly dangerous." San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders. As stupid as our short-sighted politicians?

It is official, Mexicans can be Americanized. Now we both have amazingly stupid politicians!

This is not to say that I believe all drugs should be legal. Just that I think the war on drugs is extremely ineffective and is wasting tax dollars. There has to be a better way to do this. (OK I am still pissed that the privatation of social security did not pass & I believe that is appallingly stupid, reckless and incredibly dangerous)


Watching coverage of the recent protests about the genocide in the Sudan, I cannot figure out why the protestors do not reiterate the point that the murderers are Islamic Arabs killing black Africans. If this was Jews stealing their land it would be on the front page of every paper and every liberal would be outraged. Maybe the blacks don't mind the Arabs stealing African land, after all they aren't white.

United 93

Against my better judgement I braved the movies for the first time in almost 1 year. Instantly I remembered why I don't go to the movies. One lady brought her new born baby, while the kid next to me chatted on his cell.

Anyways on to the movie... I was not impressed. Granted, I am a 9-11 junkie so I had already saw the A&E made for tv movie about United 93, every thing put out by National Geographic, as well as every documentary I can get my hands on about 9-11, so perhaps I am a tad desensatized now. There was nothing new, still there were some dramatic parts. The passangers attacking the terrorists and the terrorists attacking the crew come to mind. If you hate the going to the movies as I do, you can wait until it is out on DVD.