Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Imagine if...

Bush was the fascist everyone made him out to be. For all of the rhetoric being thrown around you would think that people are being prosecuted just for their writings. Where is the international outrage. For those who do not wish to read, a publisher is in Turkey is facing multiple years in prison for printing a book which describes some Turkish quarters as dirty. Seems reasonable to me. Turkey has some serious house cleaning to do before they should be considered for entrance into the EU.


First, I don't see how the union plans on winning this one. They are alienating the people of NY by striking this close before Christmas (not to mention the weather), a judge has imposed a $1 million a day fine???? I think that the Government should either not allow unions for government employees or let them strike. If a union is not allowed to strike then are they really a union. Sort of like the Chinese being referred to as communists. You cant be a free market communist! If a union cannot strike, how is it a union?

Intelligent Design

It seems that the court ruled right in this case. Intelligent design has no place in public schools, it is not hard science, it is not testable therefore leave it to the parents.